Camping or camping is indeed a popular natural activity, besides that camping also makes the mind calmer and adds a sense of kinship. Usually, people choose a location on a camping ground in a mountainous area or it can be on the beach. Although the preparation is a little complicated, the impression that will be felt will be an interesting experience. Meanwhile, you may also visit whenever you need to read more tips and articles about camping.

However, if you are a beginner, you need to prepare important things for camping, such as:

Careful planning

Plan your camping activities properly and appropriately. Make plans for events or activities that will be done with your colleagues. Activities such as starting a bonfire and singing, equipped with exciting and exciting games. This will certainly make your vacation focused and not boring.

Determine your destination for camping

This is the next and most important step for planning a camping vacation. Choose a camping location that is easily accessible from home and has easy road access for any type of vehicle to pass. For beginners, it will be more exciting if the camping ground you choose offers interesting tourist spots that can be reached by trekking, for example, tea garden spots, waterfalls, rivers, or rice fields.

Preparing equipment

When camping you need to bring equipment, especially those who want to camp in the wild, not on the camping ground. What camping equipment should you prepare? Of course tents, mattresses for sleeping in the tent, sleeping bags, and warm clothes if your camping destination is in a cold area, logistical supplies, cooking utensils, and flashlights or other lighting equipment.

Choose a strategic spot to set up a tent

You also have to pay attention to choosing a strategic spot to set up a tent. Even though you are camping in the camping ground area, there are some tips that you must follow. One of them, you should choose a location near a tree to protect you from the sun.


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